eBooks and eAudiobooks allow patrons to take the library with them in the palm of their hand or on the screen of their computer. Although ebooks aren't for everyone, they provide a great option for those who are unable to make it into the library on a regular basis, individuals who benefit from being able to adjust font size, style, and more while reading, and those who like the convenience of carrying their book in their pocket. Through a variety of systems, NPDL is able to offer over 50,000 titles for patrons to access 24/7. With some of the systems, users need a valid NPDL library card and PIN number, however some are accessible without a library card.
Don't know your library card number or PIN? Call the library & someone will be happy to help you.
Click on an image to be taken directly to a system's page.
Don't know your library card number or PIN? Call the library & someone will be happy to help you.
Click on an image to be taken directly to a system's page.
Boundless & Libby are app based ebook/audiobook systems. Each has thousands of books of all genres, for all ages. A valid library card number and PIN are required to access these items. Each system allows 5 checkouts and 5 holds. Items return automatically after 14 or 21 days, so no concern over overdue books!